We know that good communication means that we all achieve the best for our children–that is why we are determined to continue to improve the way that we communicate.
Communication is a two way process. At Loughborough Primary school we expect all communication to and from our staff to be timely, polite and professional. If at any time, either party feels threatened or prejudiced the communication should be politely stopped and escalated to the appropriate person.
Throughout the year there will be several opportunities to talk with your child’s class teacher. The first will be in the Autumn term, this will be a presentation about what will be covered this year. There will then be a one-on-one parent session in both the Autumn and Spring terms. At the end of the Autumn and Spring term we will send you a short report detailing how your child is doing in standardised assessments. In the final Summer term we will send a report that will include a more detailed comment.
In addition teachers and the Senior Leadership Team will be on the playground at drop-off and pick-up. However, we know that this is not convenient for all families so you can also contact us by email. Visit our contact page to get details.