Our approach to learning

We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, built around the 2014 National Curriculum, which meets the needs of all our children.

Our Curriculum Drivers:

We aspire to improve the life chances of all children by ensuring each child becomes:  

  • A successful, resilient learner, who enjoys learning, makes good progress and achieves well.
  • A confident individual, able to live a safe, healthy and fulfilling life. A responsible citizen, able to make a positive contribution to society.
A child writing in Nursery
“As educators, our aim should be to empower every student to become the architect of their own learning journey. By fostering metacognition, providing effective feedback, and maintaining high expectations, we can create a classroom environment where all learners can thrive and achieve their full potential."

Education Endowment Foundation


We actively engage with the work of the Education Endowment Foundation and London South Research School. Our members of staff lead professional development, using latest research and proven strategies.

Guidance will be given at parents meetings. There is also information on Year Hub pages which can be found here.

We hold an information session at the start of each academic year to allow you to meet the teaching team and gain an overview of the year. We also publish each term's learning at the beginning of Autumn, Spring and Summer.